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:: Economics-3

20. For a unitary elastic demand curve, when price increases ,
the amount spent by a consumer on a /good?
(A) Decreases 
(B) Increases
(c) Remains unchanged
(D) Becomes zero

21. Correlation coefficient is significant if it is? 
(A) Less than 6 times of pro able error
(b) More than 6 times of probable error
(c) Equal to probable error
(d) Equal to standard error

22. The term rainy day' used by Keynes is related with?
 (A) Effective demand
(B) Precautionary demand 
(C) Investment multiplier 
(D) Inflationary gap

23. Root mean square of all the deviations is known as? 
(A) Mean deviation from median
(B) Mean deviation from mode 
(C) Standard deviation 
(D) Quartile deviation

24. If there is perfect correlation between two variables, 
then the regression lines are?
(A) Parallel
(B) Perpendicular
(C) Coincidental
(D) Intersectional

25. A producer's surplus is equal to?

26. According to 2001 census, the total number of persons 
living in urban slums was approximately? (A)1 crore
(b) 2 crore
(c) 3crore
(d) 4 crore

27. The tax called CENVAT is related to? 
(A) Central Sales Tax
(b) Union Excise Duty
(c) Corporate Tax 
(D) Custom Duty

28. The price and quantity,both are indeterminate under?
(A) Pure competition
(b) Perfect competition
(c) Monopoly
(d) Bilateral monopoly

29. Which of the following is not an example of Internal Economies?
(A) Economies of superior technology
(B) Economies of division of labour
(C) Economies of competition
(D) Economies of management

30. Which of the following type of facts are not Considered under 
the study of statistics
(A) Quantitative facts
(B) Qualitative facts
(C) Comparative facts
(D) Relative facts


20 C
21 B
22 B
23 C
24 C
25 B
26 D
27 B
28 D
29 C
30 B

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