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:: Rrb-online-2016-ntpc-maths-reasoning-asked1

18. If its 10 am in the clock then minute hand and second hand forms what angle?

19.Price of 107 car is Rs 14,44,500  then what is the price of 1 Car?

20.In a mixture ,ratio of milk and water is 5:3,if amount of milk is 
25liters then how much water is there in mixture?

21.Perimeter of rectangle is 48 m and length is double of breadth ,
then find the area of rectangle?

22.What is the value of  Sec²Q+2tan*CotQ-tan²Q?

23.cot a=12/5 then (sin a + cos a)cosec a=?

24.find the missing number:  3,4,6,8,12,?18.

25.A man purchases 2 dozen pen at Rs 480 and sell pack of 4 pens of
 Rs 100 then Find the Profit %?

26.BCA: FGE: ? : NOM

27.How many 5 will occur in 1 to 100?

28.what will be the value of (s+2)³ ?

29.A works double of B and takes 30 days less then B then how many 
days they both will take to complete the work?

30. 3:9::12:?

31.A covers 40km by 60kmph and 60km by 40kmph,find the average speed?

32.Cost price of a phone is 11000 and selling price is 13500,find the profit %?

33.find the factors of x²-x-132?

34.A can do a work in 10 days& B can do it in 15 days,if they work
 together for 5 days,then how many days work will be finished?
A sum of Rs. 12,500 amounts to Rs. 15,500 in 4 years at the rate
 of simple interest. What is the rate of interest?

35.if M=14,TANK=61 then STARDOM =?

36.Sin@=1/√2  then(tan @ + cot @)=?

37.Standard Deviation of set(10,10,10,10,10)?

38. find the factors of x²+17x+72=0?

39. Banana at 5 per dozen and orange at  75 per dozen,then 
find the total price of one and  quarter dozen banana and ¾ dozen orange prize?
 Value of tan 1125?

40.What is Range of 11,13,18,28,19,18,12,19 ?

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